“Lychee” is Ch. Glicks Sunshine of Your Love CGN (Glicks Adjust Your Sails RN THD x Gaspard Omne Trinum Perfectum (Polish import). DOB August 31 2021. Lychee is the 5th generation here at Glicks Standard Poodles Regd. She is our first apricot coloured girl and aside from being bright and beautiful she has the sweetest disposition, always wagging, and very kind. Future Therapy Dog! Her VGL Betterbred profile proves her great diversity so we hope she will be a great asset to the breed. her health testing can be found on OFA. Her pedigree is quite diverse (check her brother Curry’s in the Health testing gallery). Scroll down for some recent photos.
“Lilly” is Glicks Twilight Princess PCD RN (U Ch URO1 CA Opus’s Glicks Some Like it Hot RE CGN HIC THD VCX CHIC X U CH Glicks Vigore Primavera CHIC) DOB April 22 2021. Lilly is a fun-loving girl who lives with owners Stephanie and Eric. They are training in obedience, rally and agility. She loves, loves, loves to work and the tail never stops. Loves everyone and everything. Exciting times ahead from this great mover and bright light. We are hoping for her one and only litter in February 2025 – please enquire, this one has diversity off the charts; and the temperaments will be WOW! health testing on OFA. Scroll down for some recent photos

Chloe is Glicks Simpkin Blue Heaven PCD CGN Ch Glicks Rebel Rebel X APAWs A Hero of Many Tales, DOB October 17 2019. Chloe is co-owned with Marcia Fergie Simpkin of Simpkins Standards & ModDogues Groom Shop. She is blue. Excelling in agility and rally obedience training. She has had one litter with fabulous prospects in blue and silver. Contact Marcia for more information on upcoming litters.

Daphne is Glicks Simpkin River Nymph CGN Ch Glicks Rebel Rebel CGN X U CH Glicks Opus’s Get Ready HIC, DOB December 27 2020. Daphne is co-owned with Marcia Fergie Simpkin of Simpkins Standards & ModDogues Groom Shop.

Nala was CH BPIG Glicks Midsummer Night Nala CD RA CGN THD VCX CHIC #77829
Bellefleet Glicks Sarsaparilla CD RE CGN HIC VC x Apiele Bronzini TP, DOB June 4 2009, DOD November 10 2022
She was 22.5″ at the shoulder and 46 pounds. Nala was my first homebred Champion and she is the dam to three Canadian Champions: CKC & U H Glicks Midsummer Breeze ADC SJDC URO1 THD CHIC, CH Glicks Midsummer Daydream HIC CHIC (Guinness), and CKC & U CH BPIG Glicks Speranze Primavera CD CGN NC AC PTA CHIC Enzo), UKC CH Glicks Vigore Primavera (Breeze, Guinness, Enzo & Vigo, CKC pointed). She was a devoted companion and unbelievably intuitive and kind. She loved agility. She was a reading therapy dog & visited at the West Island Palliative Care center in Pointe Claire for 8 years. She worked weekly at the Angelman Centre run by WIAH before the pandemic of 2020. She worked with Therapeutic Paws of Canada (when they were in Quebec), Blue Ribbon Therapy Dogs, Escuade Caline, and Caring Paws Animal Therapy You could not ask for a better temperament in a poodle, and she has passed down her fine qualities most of her successors.

Mango is CH OTCH BPIG Glicks Midwinter Magic CD CDX RN CGN HIC VC HITs CHIC #88581
Bellfleet Glicks Sarsaparilla CD RE CGN VC x TCH CH Pannovias Chasing Hearts CD RA CGN HIC VCX CHIC, DOB January 28 2010 (retired from breeding).
She is 23.5″ at the shoulder & 44 pounds. Holding black. Mango was my second homebred Champion & is retired to a life of leisure. She is really, really smart & agile, beauty personified. A relentless worker, she will do anything you ask with style. Mango loves agility and is a child certified reading therapy dog & visited for several years at the West Island Palliative Care center in Pointe Claire. Mango is the dam of Ch Glicks Spellbound. Mango is retired from breeding. Mango earned her CD with Cathie Newey with 6 HIC and one HIT and a CDX with another two HICs and another HIT!

Breeze is CKC & U CH Glicks Midsummer Breeze CGN RE AGN AGNJ AADC AGDC SGDC URO1 HIC HIT THD VCX CHIC#94549 Ch Glicks Midsummer Night Nala CD RA CGN THD VCX CHIC x TCH CH Pannovias Chasing Hearts CD RA CGN HIC VCX CHIC, DOB August 4 2011 (retired from breeding). Breeze is 21″ & 36 pounds. Holding black. Breeze is Nala’s daughter and Sass’s grand-daughter, Windy’s mom, Lychee’s grandame. She lives with her main mom and Agility & Rally-O handler Carolyn in PEI. Breeze worked with Escuade Caline/ YUL Pet Squad at the Montreal Pierre Elliot Trudeau Airport. She also passed her Therapy Dog evaluation. She has had three litters and she was a superb mom. She is very biddable and snuggly, just as happy to hang out on the couch with you as to play at agility. Congratulations to Breeze & Carolyn on achieving the Rally Novice title with 2 High in Class and a HIT!

Rebel is CH Glicks Rebel Rebel CGN CHIC #131661 DOB January 24, 2016 (retired from breeding). Ch Glicks Midsummer Night Nala CD RA CGN THD VCX TP x Mithril Colonel at Cantope RN CGN 23.5″ & 39 pounds. Betterbred profile. Rebel is an elegant cafe-au-lait much like her wonderful grandma Sass Rebel is the resident princess & Ms Bossy Pants at the home of co-owner Marcia Fergie Simpkin of ModDogues Groom Shop whohandled Rebel in her debut to TWO x Best Novice Puppy In Show!!!) Rebel finished her Championship with 2 group 3 placements and one group 2 placement. Rebel has had two litters, gifting us with Chloe and Daphne, who train and live with Marcia. Rebel is certified with Imagine Therapy Dogs. Rebel had two litters and her daughters Chloe and Daphne are carrying on the legacy at Simpkin Standards with Marcia.

Ella is CH MPIG Glicks Spellbound CHIC# 126734 Can Ch BPIG Glicks Midwinter Magic CDX RN CGN HIC VCX HITs (CHIC) x Am Gr Ch Saphire’s Rarin’ to Go, DOB July 3 2013; 21″ & 33 pounds. Holding black. Betterbred profile (retired from breeding). Mango‘s daughter, Sass’s grand-daughter, Kismet’s mom and Tuuli’s granddam. Ella is a natural retriever and must greet you at the door holding something in her mouth (usually a shoe!). She is snuggly, happy and sweet natured. She was an awesome mom, very attentive, who kept her babies pristine and well-fed. Ella lives in Ottawa with her main mom-guardian Susan.

Kismet is CH Glicks Destiny’s Child CHIC # 135051
CAN Ch MBPIG Glicks Spellbound x UKC Ch Gaston De Grenier, DOB July 25, 2016; 22” & 37 pounds. Betterbred profile (retired from breeding). Ella’s daughter, Mango’s grand-daughter, Sass’s great-grand-daughter. Kismet is blue and is Tuuli’s mom. Thank you to Sarah Drake for the lovely grooming and handling to bring her to her championship in the difficult English Saddle Trim with some very nice majors. Kismet has some Russian lineage. We kept her for the great diversity that her sire and dam provided. Her COI is 0.4 % over 10 generations. Kismet is an awesome obedience prospect and lives with Guardian mom Sonia and family in Ottawa.
Windy is Glicks Adjust Your Sails RN THD OFFA
U & CKC CH URO1 Glicks Midsummer Breeze RN AGN AGJN AADC SJDC HIC HIT THD VCX CHIC x Syquefine Roarin’ Red Remington CHIC) DOB April 13 2017. 23” & 39 pounds. Betterbred profile. Retired Windy is my 4th generation at Glicks Standard Poodles Regd. Windy is Nala’s grand-daughter and Sass’s great-grand-daughter. Windy is mom to Curry and Lychee. Windy is certified with Imagine Therapy Dogs. Training in Rally obedience.
Midori is Glicks Green Mountain Water Sprite U Ch URO1 CA Opus’s Glicks Some Like it Hot RE CGN HIC THD VCX CHIC X U CH Glicks Vigore Primavera CHIC, DOB April 22 2021
Midori is co-owned with Jacki Magoon (Chimera Poodles) of Vermont. Midori is training to be a blood scent dog and hunting companion. Midori definitely lives up to her name, as she likes to splash around in the water. She is very personable and attached to her big dog sister Lishi.
“Sass” was Bellefleet Glicks Sarsaparilla CD RE CGN HIC THD VCX DOB August 27 2004. DOD October 23 2020 at 16 years 3 months old. Forever remembered with love.
She was 21 inches at the shoulder & 41 pounds, and her colour is referred to as cafe-au-lait. Sass loved training and so though she officially retired, we still played by sometimes doing little rally or obedience routines and she still was an active therapy dog up until 14 years old. I am ever grateful to Joanne Reichertz DVM for my foundation girl. Pictured in a short version of the show clip or HCC in front of my old perennial garden.
- LillyAKA Glicks Twilight Princess PCD RN in a blue chair with ribbons
- Lilly AKA Glicks Twilight Princess PCD RN with her winning ribbon
- Lychee AKA Ch Glicks Sunshine of Your Love CGN
- Lychee AKA Ch Glicks Sunshine of Your Love CGN
- 2 year old Lychee AKA Ch Glicks Sunshine of Your Love CGN, with short hair
- LK and Windy AKA Glicks Adjust Your Sails RN THD
- Windy
- Lychee AKA CH Glicks Sunshine of Your Love CGN